sex dolls vs sex robots Relevant Information

(41 People Likes) How do I make a custom love/sex doll that has the features I want?

n it inside out, stuff with cotton or poly stuffing, stitch up the last Anime Sex Doll hole.
Take styrofoam and shape it into a doll with serrated knives, cheese graters, microplanes and sandpaper. Paint it or cover it with fabric using spray adhesive (make sure it is safe for foam) and add buttons for eyes or yarn, or other colored fabric.
Use ceramic pre-formed doll body parts and paint them.
Stuff a sock and make a face with a permanent marker.
The method I usually use is a little more advanced but the results make for a longer lasting, stronger figure. I use foam and shape it to what I want, then cover it with fiberglass fabric and resin, let it cure, then melt out the foam with solvent, sand it, paint it, and I'm left with a lightweight, hollow and fairly sturdy little product.
YouTube is a huge source of detailed, visual examples. Look up your subject topic and just start explorin

(68 People Likes) How do scientists explain the real life Annebelle doll?

company. It could have been bought completed or as a sewing kit. I am no a doll expert even by a long stretch of the imagination, but my guess is the pattern type for the Annabelle doll was either the 1963 McCall’s pattern #6941 or the 1970 McCall’s pattern #2531. I could not find information on whether she was hand sewn or machine made. No matter which, Annabelle is made of cotton fabric and stuffing, with plastic eyes and acrylic wool hair.
Annabelle was reportedly given to the “demonologists” Ed and Lorraine Warren after 1970 (ergo my guesses as to which patterns Annabelle follows). It is not clear who gave them the doll - it is reportedly an unnamed 28yold nursing student who experienced weird things after the doll came into her possession. Or so the Warrens say. She allegedly had a session with a “spirit medium” during which it was discovered the doll was possessed by the spirit of Annabelle Higgins (despite the name, an unidentified person who may or may not have existed and had anything to do with the doll). Or so the Warrens say. After their “investigation”, however, the Warrens were able to determine that the doll was possessed by a demon who was hoping to jump onto a human host. Or so the Warrens say.
They certainly took possession of the doll at some point and it is still displayed in their museum in Monroe, Connecticut. The doll continued to act up there. Or so the Warrens say. Apparently, a visitor to the museum did not take the instructions on handling Annabelle seriously, which caused his tragic death in a motor accident on the way home. Or so the Warrens say. Similarly, a Catholic priest protested that Annabelle was not more powerful than god, and threw her across the room. Subsequently, he also had a motor accident, albeit his was not fatal. Or so the Warrenes say.
I think you are getting my drift. Almost everything supernatural that people believe about Annabelle relies exclusively on what the Warrens say. (The rest relies on what they saw in the Conjuring movies… let that sink in.) Meanwhile, none of what the Warrens say can be objectively demonstrated.
So, as a scientist, here is what I wonder about Annabelle:
To those who have a muc sex dolls vs sex robots more extensive knowledge about R Sex Doll Torso ggedy Ann dolls - which pattern does the Annabelle doll follow? Can you tell if it was a mass produced or a hand-made doll? What does her pattern and make tell of her age? Does she actually come from the 1970s? And on a related note -
When did the Warrens first start talking about Annabelle? I have not been able to trace her original mention in their canon of stories… A timeline would be helpful, and it would also show us to what degree their testimony changed (or did not change) over time. Inconsistent stories are, obviously, less trustworthy, while consistent ones merit further investigation.
Who was the unnamed motorcyclist who died after breaching Annabelle’s “security”? When did this incident happen? Is it possible to trace down the man’s name or death certificate?
This might seem unrelated, but why did the author of the text you linked to put up an unrelated picture of a car crashed into a motorcycle in their answer? How did this bolster their argument? Do we have any reason to believe that the image pertains to this particular accident?
(I subsequently managed to figure out that the car involved was probably an AMC Matador, made between 1971 and 1978, in two distinct series but I don’t know which series the car in the image is. Meanwhile, a reverse search of the image gives me a Getty’s image offer for a poster, and a bunch of websites putting this image up to illustrate Warren’s story, but not explicitly connecting it to the event or providing a year for it.)
Who was the un-named priest who also got into an accident after mishandling Annabelle? What was his name? Which diocese was he part of? What reports did he write to his superiors about the event? Which sacred order was he inducted into? Is there any documentation to record his car wreck, the subsequent police report, his medical records, etc. (because there certainly should have been)? Is he still alive? If we can interview him, how consistent would his story of the incident be to the one told by the Warrens if the interviews are conducted independently?
Does Annabelle have consistent negative effects on those who “mishandle” her? If so, we can test this hypothesis. I would volunteer, and I know a few more sceptics who would do it too, just to have a larger sample. You see, we have two supposed incidents in which a guy had an accident on his way back from the Warren’s museum after he touched Annabelle (or flipped her off, or whatever). But this, in and of itself, means nothing unless we know 1) how many other people had an accident on their way back from the Warren’s museum without having offended Annabelle, 2) how many other people offended Annabelle and lived to tell the tale, and 3) how many people on average have accidents in this part of Connecticut. Two people having accidents in twenty plus years of a small-town back-road museum is deeply unsurprising and statistically unremarkable.
And even if we knew all that, the fact remains that it is entirely possible, even likely, to have an accident on the road. Why are these (supposed!!!) accidents conclusively connected to Annabelle? Did she leave a signature at the crime scene, as she apparently used to with the nursing student? Was she heard threatening the guy? What was the cause of his accident, and what part of that was Annabelle’s fault (because, remember, there are usually multiple factors to a fatal accident - so which one is Annabelle??)? How can you know that? How can anybody claim any causal relationship based on this flimsy, unsupported correlation?
It is said that Annabelle resists being destroyed. Another testable claim, hooray! Again, I will volunteer to set fire to the Annabelle doll, on camera, streaming in real time, with independent judges. Let’s see if she burns! (This should probably be the final test…)
It is also said that Annabelle moves in her box. Lovely, but does she really? If we have some indications that she does move, we should start asking how? We can move her to a new, absolutely stable compartment to eliminate the impact of her immediate environment, and see if she still moves for us there on camera. If she does, we can vary temperature or humidity in her compartment to see if that causes movements. We can xray her to see whether there are any unexpected materials which might cause the movement (e.g. wires).
And my main question, how - and I mean HOW, by which method, through which process, following which criteria - did Lorraine Warren come up with the idea that no, Annabelle was not possessed by a human spirit, but by a demon? How???? What did she observe exactly and is any of it objective? I understand that Lorraine says she has a supernatural gift of connection to the occult - but that is just the point. Lorraine merely says so.
So those are some of my immediate questions about Annabelle - or to be more precise - these are my questions about the legend of Annabelle.
The doll itself does not confuse me at all. It is a Raggedy Ann doll, probably from the 1970s, given or purchased by Ed and Lorraine Warren and displayed in their museum with an accompanying creepy tale. Despite the tales, Annabelle is just a piece of cotton fabric and stuffing. I could demonstrate it to you if Lorraine Warren would be willing to let me try burning it on television or drive around with it in a

(32 People Likes) Where can I buy real BT21 toys like cushion and dolls in India at a genuine price?

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(36 People Likes) How does it work?

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(81 People Likes) Why does my boyfriend ask me to be fit while not being fit himself? He haven't been at the gym for a long time anyway and I'm not even fat.

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For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3Why
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